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Monday, October 17, 6:30 pm

Letter from Nate Allen, President of the  Kahlua Board of Directors

Dear Owners:


We are continuing to move forward with planning and preparations as much as possible right now.  However, access to FMB continues to be a major issue.  As of today (Oct. 17), access to FMB has been restricted to only essential response personnel on Mondays and Tuesdays.  Business owners, residents and contractors will only be able access the island Wednesdays through Sundays from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.  We did receive some good news though, and it sounds like the south access by Lover’s Key will be reopening very soon.


In addition to access being an issue, the lack of resources like running water, sewer and electricity continue to pose their own set of challenges.   While we wait for these critical things to be restored, please know that the property at Kahlua remains extremely unsafe due to the extensive damage caused by the hurricane and debris which remains behind. 

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