"A little bit of heaven on earth...."
Wednesday, October 13, 11:00 am
Letter from Nate Allen, President of the Kahlua Board of Directors
KBC Owners:
We continue to make progress with the insurance companies, adjusters and structural engineers. Both our flood and wind adjusters have already been on the property and our independent structural engineer should be out on Friday (10/14). Once we have anything definitive from them to report, we will definitely do so.
We are also taking necessary steps to arrange for on-site clean up and, provided the building is structurally sound (which we all hope and expect it will be), we will be taking measures to protect and preserve the units on floors 3 through 5.
Access to KBC continues to be our biggest hurdle, but the staff is doing a fantastic job of working through it to keep the process moving forward. We cannot thank them enough for their efforts right now.
Please start checking back more regularly, as I expect to providing more frequent updates now that things are starting to progress better than they had been in the immediate aftermath of the storm.
Thank you,
Nate Allen