"A little bit of heaven on earth...."
Sunday, October 2 10:15 am
Letter from Nate Allen, President of the Kahlua Board of Directors
My Fellow Kahlua Owners:
It is with deep sadness that I write this message. Like me, I am sure that many of you are curious about the damage to Kahlua Beach Club and hoping for the best. It took a few days for the local authorities to let people onto the beach, but we are now seeing and learning of the utter devastation that this hurricane caused to all of Estero Island. Unfortunately, Kahlua was hit hard, and the damage is significant. However, we will not know the extent of the damages for many weeks. In the meantime, I ask that you all remain patient. We will update you as soon as we have any additional information to share. For now, Kahlua will be closed until further notice.
Please also keep our staff and owners who live in the SW Florida area in your thoughts and prayers. Debbie, LeAnn and John are safe, but John’s house suffered significant damages. The entire area remains without power, and Internet and cellular service is limited.
Nate Allen
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